Sunday, July 17, 2011

Early Farmers

About 10 000 years ago some early people in hunter-gathered socities began to produce some of their food. This change was important because of their food supply was no longer limited to what they could find or hunt. People leaned to domesticate both plants and animals. Women did most of the food gathering in early societies and were probably the first to domesticate plants.
 Some societies soon came to depend less on wild plants and more on crops grown in small gardens by early farmers. Growinv crops, however, meant that those societies had to stay in one place. The process of planting, caring for, and harvesting crops takes many months to constant care. Early farming societies built year-round shelters, formed small villages, and grew crops on the surrounding land. These societies economy, or the way people use resources tp meet their needs, became based on mainly on their crops.


1. How did early people get the food they needed to survive?
2. How did living and working in groups help early poeple survive?
3. For what purposes besides getting food might early people have worked together?


"Chronological History of the World Unit Study for Homeschoolers." Paleolithic Age. 5. Print.,
Boehm, Richard, and Claudia Hoone. Our World's Story. 1. New York, Toronto, London: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1997. 38. Print.


  1. 1) Originally, early people had to hunt for their food and had to travel from place to place following the herds they hunted. They were known as hunter-gatherers. When they began settling, they switched to an agricultural based lifestyle where women planted crops for harvesting, animals became domesticated and less dependence was placed on hunting.

  2. 2)When people collaborated with each other they started to build shelters, form small villages, grow crops on the surrounding land. These societies economy, or the way people use resources to meet their needs, became based on mainly on their crops. people started working with each other for more prosperity
